Learn the benefits of Acupuncture!
Acupunture focuses on muscle pain, headaches, sport injuries , tingling & numbness, emotion & mood troubles, and Women’s Health. Learn more about Dahlia’s focused areas of practice!
Pain and Injury
- Headache
- Osteoarthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Hip pain
- Shoulder pain
- Frozen shoulder
- Ankle sprain
- Sports injuries
- Pinched nerves
- Joint pain
- Sciatica
- TMJ (Jaw Problems)
- Whiplash
- Tingling and numbness
Emotion & Mood
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Difficulty sleeping
- Nervousness
- Insomnia
Women’s Health
- Period pain
- Irregular menses
- Pregnancy issues
- Infertility